(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[9000]OT[1x60 byo-yomi]GN[European Go Championship 2012 semi Final]PW[Ilia Shikshin]PB[Thomas Debarre]WR[7단]BR[6단]DT[2012-08-03]PC[Bonn, Germany]US[HW9x9];B[pd]C[gisel [3d]: strong move!];W[dp];B[qp];W[dd]C[B];B[fq]C[IlanKeshet [3k]: icgofrit [6k]: white is the former europen champion];W[cn];B[lq];W[qj]C[I];B[qf]C[eslite [3k]: hope he builds a pyramid againIlanKeshet [3k]: ic.shenzhen [3d]: ilya go for q7 maybe? or he likes boring r7?gofrit [6k]: ok now white start thinking :)];W[qm]C[IlanKeshet [3k]: Do you double approach, or R16 if black pincers ... when you play R13 for white?gogonuts [5d]: you can see how ilya is strting to warm up his braindmf [7k?]: Debarre looks very young, how old is he?];B[pn];W[qq];B[pq];W[pm];B[qn];W[rp];B[om];W[qo]C[K];B[rn]C[gofrit [6k]: black S6 ?];W[pp];B[op];W[oq];B[np];W[oj]C[shenzhen [3d]: w q2 now would be really slow i thinkgolgo13 [9k]: w have 14pt in the corner... average corner pts = 13.79Madzilla [2d]: yes, it's endgameBackflash [6k]: maciek, shikshin is never relaxed in end game];B[pr]C[shenzhen [3d]: plus this is blacks corner golgo :p];W[or];B[po];W[qp];B[nr]C[purun [3k]: ko...];W[qr]C[SIscurge [5d]: also its bottom right corner .. so different then the rest ;-)];B[nq]C[Madzilla [2d]: I think B shouldn't play this early];W[ps];B[ol]C[v];W[mj];B[fo];W[eq]C[Ootakamoku [-]: b building up moyo that is open from every direction, even with b d7 continuation this looks sadgolgo13 [9k]: is b bipolarDamasippus [7k?]: AWhite is evidently a graduate of the Vladimir Putin charm school.Lemonhead [3d?]: Shikasta: AnttiBrianH [9k]: ?];B[fr];W[fm];B[cf]C[gogonuts [5d]: had to , imoSIscurge [5d]: g4 is nothingOotakamoku [-]: oh, I agree];W[ch]C[R];B[ef]C[c];W[fd];B[di];W[ce]C[gogonuts [5d]: surely b c11Weishenme [5d]: yeskamil [-]: and... good for B?Guyome [2d]: c11 and then try to attack F7 ?Stuttgart [4k]: lol, Ilya almost fell off his chair ;)gogonuts [5d]: c15 tries to nurture ws lead safely home - wants to win by 1.5 again? :-)];B[bf];W[ic];B[ci];W[pb];B[pc];W[ob];B[qb];W[rb];B[qc];W[nd];B[em];W[en];B[fn]C[gogonuts [5d]: e6 e7 d6 d7 c5 was a nice option for bZahlman [1k]: e7 was an attachment to f7, so...];W[el]C[Zahlman [1k]: this seems natural to me, contact moves for defense...Ootakamoku [-]: I dont see how w can choose this..];B[dm]C[Zahlman [1k]: no choice?Damasippus [7k?]: d7 is usually the weak point of the ogeima jumpcava [7k?]: d8 niark [4d]: cool for bZahlman [1k]: dama, sort of? but it depends on your own surrounding stones too];W[dl];B[cm];W[cl];B[bm];W[bl];B[gm];W[fl]C[Ootakamoku [-]: e5 d6 d5 c5 c4 ];B[eo];W[bn]C[s];B[do];W[cp];B[co];W[bo]C[l];B[bp];W[bq];B[an];W[ap];B[dn]C[Natsuu [2d]: REALLY NICEgofrit [6k]: video sequence :a6 a4 d6 f11 ];W[fi]C[S];B[gl]C[E];W[bi]C[Koffein [-]: i'm a bit afraid the next time we have to play to get access to the walllist ...Koffein [-]: pay*];B[bh];W[bg]C[EuroGoTV1 [-]: good idee Koffein!!!!Ephemere [3d]: the game is gettiing very interesting :)];B[cg]C[Vondel [2k]: hehe];W[ah];B[dh];W[gf];B[fh];W[gk];B[hk];W[gi];B[fk];W[ej]C[rkda [6k]: I would suspect that it's "for his wallet" in the sence that he will spend less out of his pocket for the expences required to produce this broadcastandreiraz [3k]: wooow];B[gj]C[Needless [4d?]: That make sense.];W[hi];B[bj];W[qa];B[qh];W[pg]C[L];B[pf];W[mg];B[dr];W[er]C[Damasippus [7k?]: c 10 for w doesn't work];B[es];W[cr]C[E];B[kj]C[Guyome [2d]: b expecting it to be a close game ?shenzhen [3d]: maybe ilya can scribe his own final, seems to like having other things to do so the game isn't too slow :)SteveDC [5k]: threat towards H11?];W[rc]C[Cassis0 [5d]: w b15 being sente wont make it a close gameLeonEuler [5k]: seems kind of close];B[rd];W[ij];B[ne]C[Edacity [11k?]: cos the monkey jump would take some points];W[md];B[ni];W[ph];B[qi];W[pi];B[me];W[le];B[ng]C[t];W[re];B[se];W[nh];B[od];W[oc];B[mh];W[nf];B[mf];W[og]C[Needless [4d?]: the day bots start beating pro is the day go will start going downfall, like chess];B[lf];W[ke];B[lg]C[klausP [3d?]: lol];W[qg];B[rg];W[rf]C[G];B[qe]C[Shedal [?]: oh dear lordSIscurge [5d]: s12 r15 q15 p15 p14 t14 t16 t17 Backflash [6k]: ehnamaste [3d]: look like Thomas can win];W[rh];B[sf];W[ri];B[hg]C[O];W[ki];B[li]C[Ootakamoku [-]: :(Edacity [11k?]: well if you have to choose it might as well be over hair];W[kh];B[ih];W[gg]C[purun [3k]: flip the boardwolokom [4k]: nice word for thisSIkachnak [3d]: here we go, a moment of truth];B[gh]C[Needless [4d?]: whoever read further win here I believe];W[hh];B[jg];W[hf]C[J];B[ig];W[oe];B[lh];W[of];B[nj];W[nk];B[mk]C[p];W[lj]C[c];B[kg];W[lk]C[Tarkus [7k]: b died?Warfreak2 [4d]: then capturefakeyou [1d]: m9 l9 n8elohimmeth [3d]: L9];B[kk];W[kl]C[Ephemere [3d]: funny thing is sente worth 35pts with q15 Tarkus [7k]: but J10 makes only one eye];B[jk]C[meditation [1d]: woowshenzhen [3d]: can w b15 in sente before q15?];W[ml];B[pe];W[cj]C[s];B[bh];W[ji];B[ii];W[ch];B[dj];W[dk]C[f];B[bh]C[purun [3k]: ko showdownshenzhen [3d]: b got lots of damezumari hanging aroundRedLightGo [2k]: j9 ?];W[eh];B[fg];W[ch]C[o];B[ck];W[ik];B[jl]C[Mitchell [10k]: http://eurogotv.com/index.php?menu=Live&channel=EuroGoTV1fakeyou [1d]: 7d count all possible variations hereDemon [3d]: i don't think you thought nearly as much as ilya did :)gober [5d]: did you also read the next 50 follow ups?mw0x2a [3k?]: the livestream is extremely difficult to find. eurogotv certainly keeps it hiddenILLCoyote1 [4d]: what is the time for byo yomi?RedLightGo [2k]: yeah i didnt. lolLacron [1k]: 1 minminimalist [1k]: 3x1 min?];W[eg];B[ff]C[gogonuts [5d]: ah ok];W[dg];B[df];W[ei];B[bh];W[il];B[jm];W[ch]C[sagesse [-]: cant ignorekellycoin [5k]: did.Ootakamoku [-]: but no threat..];B[cj];W[hj];B[jj]C[f];W[ek];B[bh];W[gn];B[hn];W[ch];B[aj]C[RedLightGo [2k]: lolTetriste [-]: lol];W[ak];B[bh]C[g];W[go]C[D];B[hm];W[ch]C[c];B[ag];W[af]C[randomness [?]: lol nope];B[bh]C[g];W[im];B[ag]C[g];W[ho]C[f];B[io];W[in];B[hp]C[shenzhen [3d]: ilya gonna k5 next and aim to kill centre :)];W[km];B[jh];W[jn]C[kellycoin [5k]: g4 ??shenzhen [3d]: so only can resign];B[ki]C[T];W[jo];B[gp];W[nn];B[mm]C[T];W[nm]C[K];B[kn]C[Needless [4d?]: L6 capture 2 stones?Demon [3d]: m5Warfreak2 [4d]: m5];W[lo]C[T];B[nl]C[wither [3k]: all 9dan look alikefakeyou [1d]: nice b];W[ok]C[p];B[mn]C[Tetriste [-]: m6 n6 ];W[ln]C[monkey88 [10k]: n5Ootakamoku [-]: o5 ];B[kp];W[ko]C[Ootakamoku [-]: h17 ];B[ec];W[ed];B[fc];W[dc]C[L];B[hc]C[fa];W[hb]C[mw0x2a [3k?]: wither, that sounds like something someone would say who has never been lost before];B[gd]C[k];W[gb]C[Mikii [16k]: Ok thxmonkey88 [10k]: h16legeh [4k]: thomas is just looking for a place to resign];B[gc]C[Warfreak2 [4d]: a person blindfolded and told to walk in a straight line will walk in circles which keep getting smaller];W[id];B[ge];W[be];B[ae];W[bc]C[k];B[on]C[T];W[je];B[he]C[ILLCoyote1 [4d]: k4];W[if]C[S])
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기보감상Ilia Shikshin바둑    기보감상Thomas Debarre바둑
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